Object Recognition Using Boosted Oriented Filter Based Local Descriptors

Yokono J., Poggio T.,

IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems (IEEJ Trans. Electron. Inf. Syst.) , Volume 129, Issue 5, pp. 806-811 [DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.129.806] , Tokyo, Japan , 2009

Abstract: Object recognition system based on local descriptors is increasingly used recently because of their perceived robustness with respect to occlusions and to global geometrical deformations. Such a descriptor — based on a set of oriented Gaussian derivative filters—is used in our recognition system. In this paper, we explore the multiview 3D object recognition and multiview face identification. Basic idea is to find discriminant features to describe an object across different views. Boosting framework is used to select features out of huge feature pool created by collecting the local features from the positive training examples. We conduct experiments on 3D objects and face images and get excellent recognition rate. Comparison to SVM is also noted in the paper.
